On this page you will see the vast collection of Barber designed home that are still with us, in one form or another.
But because it is a bit overwhelming to display all the extant homes here at one time, we have engineered this page so you can filter the results to see the homes you are most interested in. This can be achieved by using the filtering tools below in the left column, to display the results you will see in the right column. Initially, the results column will be empty, but as soon as you start using the filtering tools, you will see homes being listed. Search terms for the search box are based upon the following criteria associated with each documented home; state, county, city or town name, street name, homeowner's surname, homeowner's occupation, year of construction, and publication design reference. Regarding the publication design reference, you may select single or multiple check boxes in the list below, to limit the results to the specifics of your interest. If more than 25 homes meet the criteria of your filtering, then the results are presented in paginated groups of 25 homes per page. If your search produces results that are too daunting, simply make your search more restrictive. Give it a try, I think you'll quickly see the value in how this content is being presented, but if you have difficulty, there is a help request form at the bottom of the page.
At this time, the site has but a small subset of all the extant homes currently documented. This is temporary as we build out the site and ensure it's functionality. It takes a significant effort to add all the images and data associated with each documented home, so please be patient as we add more content to the site. And if you see something that is incorrect, regarding the data being presented or the workings of the site itself, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to reach out and let us know. Thank you.
Use this form to send a message to those in charge. Enter into the form below, your name, your email address, and your message. You will receive a reply via email, as soon as is possible. Thank you.