69 King St.
This design has been arranged with a view of filling a universal demand for a house of this character. The exterior is all that anyone could desire, the veranda especially forming a very important part of bringing out the true proportions of the structure. Through the vestibule, from the front, we enter the hall, which is large and handsomely arranged. The staircase is intended to be beautiful in plan and design. The fireplace with a nice mantel, adds very much to the hall. The parlor and dining room are connected by sliding doors. A good change would be to make the bed room into a dining room and the dining room into a sitting room, omitting the closet in the bed room and shortening the bath room into a serving room and connecting with the kitchen. The back hall, while serving as a rear entrance, cuts the kitchen off from the main part of the house, thus preventing the odors of cooking from entering the living apartments. Size: Over all except steps, 31 feet 6 inches x 57 feet. Height of first story, 10 feet; second story, 9 feet 3 inches. Depth of cellar, 7 feet, under all.
The local heritage group incorrectly attributes the design as well as construction to Brown, but the design was likely pilfered from Barber publications and a nearby Barber house example which was built several years before and contains many of the same details. The heritage group lists a YOC of 1906 but that seems a bit late and has not been confirmed.