An elegant Victorian graphic used as a content seperator.

Unidentified Rockland 03

Built for:
Street address:

175 Broadway

City / Town:
Rockland, ME
Extant - Substantially Altered
An elegant Victorian graphic used as a content seperator.
No items found.
Barber's Publication Reference:

New Model Dwellings, Revised Edition, 1895/6 - Design No. 91B (RNMD:91B)

Barber's Design Notes:

The residence on this page is the home of V. L. Beshear, Esq. of Vandalia, MO. The hall and parlor are finished in hard woods; sitting and dining-rooms in pine, natural finish; the rest painted. The cellar is under the kitchen and pantry only.

Barber's estimated range of costs to build:         
None published.
Barber's estimated cost, or median cost to build: 
Researcher's Comments:

Barber's Published Floor Plans:
No items found.
No additional published floor plans to display.

Unidentified Rockland 03 - Located at 175 Broadway Rockland, ME

Unidentified Rockland 03 - Formally located at 175 Broadway Rockland, ME