172 Broadway
In Plan No. 1 of this design we give first and second floors of a one and a half story cottage. The front entrance is through a vestibule. The family or living room open into parlor by folding doors or curtains. The plan provides for two nice bed rooms on first floor with deep closets to each. A bath room, arranged between them, is reached from the passage leading to kitchen and rear bed room. A large cupboard in the kitchen takes the place of a pantry. A front bed room can be used for a library or other purpose if not wanted for a sleeping room, as there are three good rooms in the second story, with closets to each. Plan No. 2 shows a one-story arrangement, which can be made a convenient and tasty cottage. No one can help admiring the exterior appearance of the house. The only expensive feature, however, is the front gable, and that is indispensable for the outside appearance. Outside Materials: Both stories weather boarded, gables shingles and wainscoted, roof shingled. Painting, three-coat work. Outside blinds. Foundation of brick. Interior: All the wood work is to be of pine or poplar, painted three coats. Plastering, three coats, hard finish. Plumbing consists of sink and pump in kitchen, bath tub and bowl, with connections, no gas.