112 Laurel Ave.
This design contains many Romanesque ideas, is handsome, massive and durable,and of such character that it stands out bold and individualized among all other buildings. This house was recently erected in Knoxville, for Mr. I. B. Ziegler, and has given him great satisfaction. Grill design, either No. 5 or No. 6, could be used in the hall with beautiful effect. Price of complete plans, with bill of materials, . . . $40.00. Size: Plan No. 1-39x55 feet. Height of first story, 10 feet; second story, 9 feet 2 inches. Plan No.2-41x53 feet. Height of first story, 10 feet; second story, 9 feet 2 inches. Plan No. 3-41x57 1/2 feet. Height of first story, 10 feet; second story, 9 feet 2 inches.
House was built between 1894 and 1899, the first year Horton shows up in a city directory accessible on Heritagequest.